
Default Banking Account

Robert07Robert07 Member Posts: 1

In the previous version of Wave when setting up the banking accounts in the chart of Accounts an option was there to choose a default banking account which would then appear as the default when capturing transactions in the Transactions module. This feature did not carry over to the current version.
I have set up a new company and it now has a default banking account {Owners Equity] in the Transactions module. I did not choose this default account and cant see any way to make my checking account the default banking account. It means that every time I capture a transaction that I need to effect a change and choose the correct banking account. Unnecessary extra clicks in the capture process.


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    BarsinBarsin Member, Moderator Posts: 2,041 ✭✭✭

    Hey there @Robert07

    Thanks for this feedback in our community. Since a lot of us are relatively new to Wave, we didn't get to experience every nuance in our previous version of the accounting software. I agree that this feature would be a valuable tool in Wave so thanks for your contribution and know that our developers are always looking for updates in Wave.

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