
Can't find how to assign invoice number in Integromat API

sfindlaysfindlay Member Posts: 1

I am trying to build a scenario in Integromat where the system picks up invoicing detail from an excel spreadsheet and creates an invoice with the data.
I don't want to set the Invoice Number: I want it to auto assign and increment within Wave. However I am not able to leave the Invoice Number field blank, the flow fails because "there is no invoice number".
If I put a number of string in the invoice number field, if fails the second time, because "an invoice with this already exists".
What do I put in this field?



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    RobVGRobVG Member Posts: 53 admin

    Hi @sfindlay,

    Unfortunately, this integration is built by Integromat, and we don't have any knowledge of how it is designed, or how to resolve your issue.

    It sounds like they require you to provide an invoice number, but this is something Wave considers optional and would autogenerate if not provided. An invoice number is expected to be unique.

    I suggest you reach out to the Integromat support team for guidance. If they themselves are having any issues with their connection to Wave, we're of course ready to help them resolve that for you and all Integromat customers.

    Sorry I can't be more directly helpful.

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