
How to do forcast for my business

ArnyArny Member Posts: 3

Hi Wave, is there any way to put projection or forecast revenue for a business in waveapp?
Thanks for your support.


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    EmmaPEmmaP Member Posts: 639 ✭✭✭

    Hi @Arny! Thanks for reaching out. At the moment Wave does not have the ability to do a forecast in-app. To clarify are you wanting to do a forecast? Or have you done a forecast and are now wanting to enter that data into Wave? Let us know!

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    ArnyArny Member Posts: 3
    @EmmaP , Yes I was looking to use wave to build my business forecast. Ok, I understand from you response that is not possible in-app. Thanks.
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    tcooperstcoopers Member Posts: 7

    FYI - I have a small company and forecast using the transaction register. I use 'money in transit' accounts for pending and forecasted transactions. In the old transaction screen, the totals would show in the drop-down, not anymore. The current transaction screen totals only show totals up to today's date. I can still see my forecast by using the same accounts and running a cash flow report (dated in the future) to get the totals to show up for the 2 'money in transit' accounts (future transactions). More cumbersome but it works.

    If you have a full forecast prepared and want to enter it, you may have to do something else. Hope this helps.

    edited July 9, 2021
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