Invoice Error message

SimonChileSimonChile Member Posts: 2


I'd appreciate some help regarding producing Invoices. Every time I create an invoice and I try to approve it I get the following message;

"Oops! There was an issue with updating your invoice. Please try again.
Error: Could not save your invoice at this time. Try again."

However, this message does not give any detail of what is wrong and there is no indication on the invoice itself about what is wrong.

Any help would be appreciated.


  • ItsJennaItsJenna Member Posts: 12

    Have you tried clearing your browser's cache, @SimonChile? It fixes more than you would think. If that doesn't work, can you share a screenshot?

  • SimonChileSimonChile Member Posts: 2

    Thanks Jenna, I tried clearing the cache but it is still the same. I have attached the error message but there is nothing complicated on the invoice.

    I am trying to past date, though I changed the dates too today and I still have the problem.

  • maddyastewartmaddyastewart Member Posts: 1

    The same thing happens to me constantly. I get the same message as posted above.

    I've tried a new browser (tried Chrome at a recommendation from other threads), clearing cache, and tried different times of day.

    My invoice totals will change, but not my invoice dates. Very frustrating as this has been happening for over two months now. I've used Wave for almost one year. Please let me know if there is another solution.

    I am not trying to past date when this occurs, but I am trying to change the date of my invoice or the time of which the invoice is due.

    edited April 2, 2018
  • AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi @SimonChile. I saw that you were already helped through Social Media! Happy the workaround worked for you!

    For those of you who are curious, it was an issue with the currency used, CLP. We're working on a fix, but for now, changing the currency before approving the invoice, and then changing it back seems to work fine.

    @maddyastewart Can you tell me more about your issue? What are you trying to change with your invoices exactly? Can you give me a screenshot of the error message you get?

  • paololucchnopaololucchno Member Posts: 1


    I'm having the same problem. I've had to change the invoice numbers for my invoices last year from X to 2018-X. This operation worked for all of them, except 2 of them where it keep giving me this error message...

    Oops! There was an issue with updating your invoice. Please try again.
    Error: Could not save your invoice at this time. Try again.

    Please do you have any guidance?

  • SamdSamd Member Posts: 552 ✭✭✭

    Hey @paololucchno, that is odd. Is there anything unique to these two invoices that are showing errors? For instance, do they share a product or service that is only included on those two? Or were they paid directly through Wave or the others were not? If you're comfortable with me taking a look as a collaborator, could you send me a DM with your email, and the invoice numbers that are showing this error?

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