
How Do I Make a Vendor Inactive?

TamarissaTamarissa Member Posts: 5

Is there a way to make a vendor inactive? I don't see an option for it in "Edit"...


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    QaisEQaisE Member Posts: 72 admin

    Hi @Tamarissa! There isn't an option to archive or make a vendor inactive. When you hit the edit option next to the Vendor, it takes you to the page that allows you to edit their details, but won't allow you to perform any other actions. Your other option would be to delete the vendor, but if you still intend on keeping them because you have bills and transactions attached to them, then you would just need to leave them as is. I hope this clears things up for you!

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    TamarissaTamarissa Member Posts: 5

    Unfortunately, that doesn't clear anything up... there is still no way to hide vendors you no longer need but can't delete as they have transactions attached to them.

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    JamieDJamieD Administrator Posts: 1,156 admin

    @Tamarissa I'm afraid that's the only way you can delete vendors at this point -- if there is no longer any data associated with them in Wave (transactions or bills) you should be able to remove them from your Vendors page.

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    TamarissaTamarissa Member Posts: 5

    @JamieD - I'm not sure what your response has to do with my question/response. Never once did I ask how to delete a vendor. That is obvious.

    Again in more different words: I don't want to delete these vendors as they have transactions attached to them. I just don't want to always see in them in my vendor list anymore as I no longer use these vendors. This is a basic feature available in every other accounting program out there.

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    BarsinBarsin Member, Moderator Posts: 2,041 ✭✭✭

    Hey there @Tamarissa

    My apologies however at this time there is no way to deactivate or remove them from this list. The same goes for inactive products as well. We understand this is a common request from our community members so we appreciate you reaching out about this!

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    HolCarHolCar Member Posts: 20

    So, why not implement the feature? Like it was mentioned above, this is a basic feature that most accounting softwares have. And, quite frankly, it shouldn't be too complicated to implement: A flag in the DB marks them as inactive, and then they are not listed in the main section, but on a secondary one (or perhaps, simply have a "toggle" that would then show all/active).

    edited June 1, 2020
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    BarsinBarsin Member, Moderator Posts: 2,041 ✭✭✭

    Hey again @HolCar

    We totally understand that this may be seem simple on surface level, however it does create some complexity with regards to your reporting, and the existing transactions/bills that may have these vendors attached to them. We totally understand that this is a necessary request however at this time it's not on our immediate roadmap. We always welcome +1's on feature ideas in the community though, so keep them coming!

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    HolCarHolCar Member Posts: 20

    @BarsinA said:
    Hey again @HolCar

    We totally understand that this may be seem simple on surface level, however it does create some complexity with regards to your reporting, and the existing transactions/bills that may have these vendors attached to them. We totally understand that this is a necessary request however at this time it's not on our immediate roadmap. We always welcome +1's on feature ideas in the community though, so keep them coming!


    Maybe I didn't explain myself properly. This would only be for displaying purposes on the "Vendors" Page. That would not affect reporting.

    So, to spell it out better:

    Vendors marked as Inactive will be flagged in the DB accordingly
    When we click on the "Vendors" tab, the ones that come up as "inactive" will be listed separately from the ones that are active.

    Your reporting would not be at all affected by this, as the vendor would still be in the DB, only flagged as inactive for displaying purposes.

    edited June 2, 2020
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