
Additional item columns

Adele_SamAdele_Sam Member Posts: 1
Can I add more item columns in an invoice


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    NicoletteBNicoletteB Member Posts: 122 ✭✭

    @Adele_Sam First off,
    Alt Text
    Awesome to see your first post and I hope you're linking Community so far!

    For your issue, can you clarify on what kind of columns you're looking to add to an invoice? We aren't able to add columns but it's possible we have an option for you to change your invoice columns to better suit your business. You can do this under Settings > Invoice Customization > Invoice Column Settings

    There's also an option to hide any invoice columns if you scroll down further on this screen.

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    TOGuyTOGuy Member Posts: 6

    I would love to have a column for QTY of items (which you have) and another for time frame (weeks, days, etc). In my business we bill for items on a time-frame basis, so having another column would really clean up my invoices. So i could say they took 5 widgets for 2 weeks. Right now each widget needs its own line so i can use the QTY column to charge the time frame (Weeks).

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