
Discrepancy is Created when the Date of a Transfer Transaction is Changed

Bernard94Bernard94 Member Posts: 2

When you create a transfer between 2 accounts and saved the transaction and afterword’s you realise that the date is incorrect. When you change the date, it does not change the date on the associated created transaction as well.

This is not correct as the Debit and Credit transactions must always have the same date. If you are not aware of the problem or forget to change the associated Debit/Credit transaction as well, it creates an integrity problem with the data.

A similar problem occurs when the amount is changed, it does not automatically change the amount on the created transaction. This however give you an error message while it would have been better to change the associated transaction amount automatically. See the attached document for an example.


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    JordanDJordanD Member Posts: 515 ✭✭✭

    Hey @Bernard94 and welcome to Wave's Community Forum. In short, this is expected behaviour and I will explain why! In Wave, there are 3 essential details that need to match in order for the transfer to be done. These include, the dates matching, the accounts matching, and the amounts matching. In the workflow that you discussed, you mentioned that you created the transactions, connected them as transfers and then adjusted the dates. Rather than the adjusting the dates after you create the transfers, the correct workflow should be to correct the dates first. Can you try that and let me know if the issue continues?

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    Bernard94Bernard94 Member Posts: 2

    I entered the date when I created the transaction but discovered after I saved the transaction that I made a typing error with the date and wanted to correct the date. This correction only corrected the one leg(e.g. the credit leg) of the transaction and not the other leg (the debit leg). If the system allows you to correct/change the date it MUST change the date on both legs and not only one leg. The system does not do that!

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    BarsinBarsin Member, Moderator Posts: 2,041 ✭✭✭

    Hey again @Bernard94

    In many cases a transfer date will almost always match, however there are some cases with banks where the dates of the transactions (the debit and credit of a transfer) won't have the same dates. In some cases a transfer might not reach a persons liability account or vice versa in the same business day and therefore Wave allows you to customize those dates separately. Hope this adds a bit of additional context.

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