
accounting/transactions screen - balances

tcooperstcoopers Member Posts: 7

Is it possible to have the dropdown menu showing the account names and balances update with changes to the filter (e.g., if I select a checking account and a "To" date in the filter, then the dropdown will update to the balance as of the "To" date). If not, maybe something you can add?


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    JordanDJordanD Member Posts: 515 ✭✭✭

    Hey @tcoopers and thanks for leaving us with your feature idea! At the moment, adding filters to the account balance drop down is not possible, as it is meant to show your total current balances. It sounds like what you are looking to do is see a balance for a certain period, which would be more suitable for a filter on a report. In saying that, are you able to explain the specific situation that you find this needed for?

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    tcooperstcoopers Member Posts: 7

    Yes, the report features work fine for this. I was looking for a short cut so I could see today's balance as I enter transactions. Thank you.

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