
Default date when merging receipts with transactions, should be transaction dates

AndorinAndorin Member Posts: 9

If the receipt date is used (which seems to be the default) then this screws up bank reconciliation. I'm honestly perplexed about why this is not a hard default already.


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    ConnorMConnorM Member Posts: 1,229 ✭✭✭

    Hey @Andorin! Can you elaborate further on what you're seeing here, and how it's screwing up your bank reconciliation? Would love to break this down together to see what we can do.

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    AndorinAndorin Member Posts: 9

    If the receipt was from an earlier date then the date shown on bank transaction (they generally are several days earlier), then when they are merged, the list of transactions no longer looks the same as it does on my bank statement. So when I'm then trying to reconcile, many dates do not match up. This makes it harder to find transactions that really are duplicated etc. Seems obvious to me that the default should be to keep the date from the imported bank statement, no?

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    BarsinBarsin Member, Moderator Posts: 2,041 ✭✭✭

    Hey @Andorin

    Thanks for bringing this t our attention in the community. I have a feeling it might depend on which transaction you select first. For example can you try selecting the receipt transaction first, then the bank transaction second and select merge. What does this do? After, view the sourced transaction and unmerge it, then reverse your selection, bank transaction first and receipt second. Is there a difference? I do believe you will need to follow the convention of what you select first!

    It's basically saying I'm going to select transaction A and merge it into transaction B which will preserve transactions B's data. Let us know!

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