
Purchase Orders /Zapier ?

SmartNotHardSmartNotHard Member Posts: 2
Can’t find a way to generate po’s or track payments to suppliers and sales people. Is this critical features STILL missing from the app? Is there a zapier integration that would compensate? What about inventory management and other tie in needs?

I’m not thrilled with having to login to 2 different crm modules but IF wave doesn’t have it I’m willing to use a zapier integrated option - what are my choices? Is there any app that integrates with Wave that can assist with Purchase Orders? Payments to vendors? Inventory management?

I need a CRM that allows customers to pay from invoice via ACH(bank) and Credit Card. Anything labeled “accounting” should include these other basic/critical aspects of running an office! Money in/Money Out- otherwise how can you call it “accounting software!

I had unfortunately believed these features were included and was genuinely surprised to find them missing. It’s complicated to make changes as I’ve already committed to Wave but if I can’t figure out a legitimate workaround I may have no choice.

Tags: Purchase Orders,
Supplies, Sourcing, Sources, Accounting, Zapier, PO, payments, integrations, vendors, business growth, inventory management, help, wave use


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    SmartNotHardSmartNotHard Member Posts: 2
    REALLY HOPING there’s a solution in the 1000+ zapier that I just don’t see. Because so far all I see charge monthly fees AND offer ALL the features of wave - (example Xero or quickbooks) Why keep wave then?

    I like wave,
    I DONT want to switch.
    I’d have to explain the switch to customers and salespeople, and get them all on something new.

    PLEASE give me a free integrated option or direct me to using wave for keeping track of this HALF of running a business!

    Highly advise that WAVE point to software for PO/inventory/vendor tracking on the accounting page and/or SPECIFICALLY outline this isn’t included! Accounting software should naturally include this!
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    JamieDJamieD Administrator Posts: 1,156 admin

    Hey @SmartNotHard.

    If you are on the Integrations page and searching Zapier, you should see a few options for Inventory tracking (if you type Inventory in the search). An example: https://zapier.com/apps/wave/integrations/zoho-inventory

    However, there isn't an option for Purchase Orders (as you've previously stated). Technically speaking, you could use the Shopify integration that has both Inventory Tracking, as well as their own Purchase Order feature in their app, but I'm not entirely sure that's the route you are looking to take: https://zapier.com/apps/wave/integrations/shopify

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    DrShantanuPaulDrShantanuPaul Member Posts: 1

    This is how purchase works
    1. Enquiry is generated
    2. Post that based on Quotes Purchase order is generated,
    3. Purchase Order is an integral part
    4. Then if vendor sent the bill this PO is encashed to book the invoice.

    Hence Purchase order is an important part of this .. .so need a solution urgently

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    CalliePCallieP Member Posts: 439 admin

    Hi @DrShantanuPaul , thanks for your feedback here. As you've discovered, Wave doesn't currently have purchase orders as a feature. At this time it's not down the pipeline as something we're planning to develop. I'm sorry for any inconvenience this causes for you when using Wave.

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    JamrJamr Member Posts: 37

    Is there a way to vote for this feature to be added and fill an obvious hole in Wave?

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    clangeclange Member Posts: 8

    @Jamr said:
    Is there a way to vote for this feature to be added and fill an obvious hole in Wave?

    Haha good luck! People have been asking for years - even though this feature could be coded in an afternoon and MANY Wave users have offered to pay for such a basic feature. Some Wave users have even offered to code the feature themselves.

    Perhaps you are aware, but there are only a handful of responses from the Wave team about this:

    • A reply thanking for your input but telling you that feature is not planned. Why not?

    • Referring you to this page to explain their reasoning - which has nothing to do with PO capability. Moreover, if they followed their published methodology, they'd have incorporated PO capability ages ago: "comprehensive, free accounting software" putting "Business Owners first" and "We focus on the needs of businesses that predominantly provide Services." If anyone from the Wave team has actually run a small business all of those require PO functionality! Unless your business never needs to purchase anything - does that exist?

    • Posting a link to a few different (terrible "workarounds")

    • Not replying at all. (Maybe they are busy adding PO functionality?)

    Based on the lack of reply, I guess you fall under the last category...

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    JulianPJulianP Member Posts: 1,002 ✭✭✭

    Hello everyone! Thank you for continuing to express your interest in this this feature and sharing your input on this. For full transparency, purchase orders are not on the roadmap at this time and it is unlikely that our product teams will be looking at adding them in the foreseeable future.

    We are aware that implementing product orders has been a hot topic for a long time, and we don't want to imply that this feedback has fallen on deaf ears. After conducting research and further analysis, we have determined that building out this functionality is not the direction we plan on pursing. I know this may sound cagey, however, Wave is currently developing a number of exciting products and new functionalities that we are focused on building.

    I'd like to add that this is not to say any new feedback is dismissed, or that purchase orders will never be re-evaluated. As it stands, purchase orders will not be implemented in the mid to near future.

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    MJKGroupMJKGroup Member Posts: 1

    Creating a purchase order is a critical need for almost all companies. Why would you not want to add this simple feature. Overall I like the app - but this is a deal breaker for me.

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