PayPal Integration

MSRMSR Member Posts: 5

I was able to integrate with PayPal and import my transactions into a new bank account. But it seemed like a one time import. I don't see any way to do another sync without importing the transactions into a new bank account.

Is this just a very limited integration and I should do the CSV export from PayPal and then import into Wave. Or am I missing something about the current integration?


  • AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi @MSR.

    There are a few limitations to the Paypal integration but it is not a one-time import. It can just take a few days for new transactions to be exported.

    There are a few other reasons why you could be missing transactions (for example, recurring transactions won't be exported), but most likely you'll just have to wait a bit longer.

  • MSRMSR Member Posts: 5

    Thanks. I'm not missing transactions. Everything imported fine. But if I try to import again, it won't load the transactions into the existing account. It sets up a new account (that I then need to archive). I'll give it a few days and see if the PayPal integration is listed there.

  • AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    You shouldn't need to do this manually every time, @MSR. That will create duplicate integrations. It should just import your future transactions automatically, at a bit of a delay (a few days at most).

    Let me know if your future transactions don't make it through automatically. If it's the case, I'd be curious to find out why.

  • NerelOnlineNerelOnline Member Posts: 3

    I am having the exact same issue. I waited 3 weeks and nothing imported "automatically" from my previously integrated PayPal account. So I have been importing my PayPal transactions in monthly batches. This also means a I have a Chart of Accounts filled with PayPal accounts each time I have imported on a monthly basis. I cannot merge the PayPal accounts in the Chart of Accounts or think of any other workarounds.

    Checked PayPal's 'Permissions You've Given' and don't see Wave listed there even though I've granted the permission each time Wave sends me to PayPal when I link/import. Thank you.

  • MSRMSR Member Posts: 5

    I gave up and just enter my PayPal transactions manually. It's only maybe 4-5 a month, so it's not a big deal. It would be nice if it worked as it's supposed to, but other features are more important to me.

  • AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi, @NerelOnline and @MSR.

    I'm sorry to hear about your experiences using the PayPal integration. We're aware of its issues and we are working on making our integrations better in the future, but I don't have specifics to give at the moment. I do empathize with how frustrating this must be.

    The fastest method to do this manually would be to download your PayPal statement as a CSV and modify it to comply with Wave's bank statement upload feature. Here's how to upload a statement in CSV format to Wave. It's a bit of copy-pasting work, but it might still be much quicker than manually entering all those transactions, especially if you process a lot of transactions through PayPal.

  • EagleEagle Member Posts: 1

    Same here - it is only a one-time import and creates a new account EVERY time - given up on using Wave for my business, please remove the paypal feature until it is fit for purpose. :(

  • AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi, @Eagle.

    Thanks for bringing this up and for your feedback. There are issues to resolve with the Paypal integrations and running into them can be frustrating.

    I'm sorry to hear that you aren't satisfied with your experience and are leaving us. If you choose to give us another chance, I do recommend trying to upload your PayPal statement as a CSV as mentioned previously. If you do, I'd be happy to break down the process of doing this further to make it as painless as possible

  • CleancoachCleancoach Member Posts: 1

    I am showing three Paypal accounts in my Chart of Accounts, but when I go to integrations I only have one.

    Paypal biz
    Paypal biz GBP
    Paypal Biz

    This is confusing and not sure which is the 'real' deal.

    I see I can delete from the Chart of Accounts page, but which one is the one I need to keep?

  • AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi, @Cleancoach.

    This can happen with the Paypal integration if it's ever edited manually. All three of them should appear on your Transactions page. Here's what I recommend you do:

    1. Find out which one is the youngest account. The one that's connected to your integration right now should be the one with the youngest transaction. That's the one you'll want to keep.
    2. Go to the two other Paypal accounts and move them to the account you're keeping.
    3. Delete the two older accounts.

    The Paypal integration has a few ongoing issues we're working on resolving, and we're currently actively working towards making all of our integrations significantly better in the future. If you're ever looking for a more reliable way to handle adding Paypal transactions to Wave, I'd be more than happy to show you how to turn your Paypal report into something you can upload to Wave like a bank statement.

  • lwbglwbg Member Posts: 1

    Are you any where near a PayPal solution? I just signed up but it won't even import all of my transactions on the 1st connection. It's not even that many transactions and it seems arbitrary which ones it imported and which it didn't. Left it sit for hours spinning saying it was importing. Now I find this discussion :(

    @Alexia said:
    Hi, @Cleancoach.

    This can happen with the Paypal integration if it's ever edited manually. All three of them should appear on your Transactions page. Here's what I recommend you do:

    1. Find out which one is the youngest account. The one that's connected to your integration right now should be the one with the youngest transaction. That's the one you'll want to keep.
    2. Go to the two other Paypal accounts and move them to the account you're keeping.
    3. Delete the two older accounts.

    The Paypal integration has a few ongoing issues we're working on resolving, and we're currently actively working towards making all of our integrations significantly better in the future. If you're ever looking for a more reliable way to handle adding Paypal transactions to Wave, I'd be more than happy to show you how to turn your Paypal report into something you can upload to Wave like a bank statement.

  • AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi, @lwbg.

    I don't have details or a timeline to offer on improvements to the PayPal integration yet. We are aware that there are several limitations to that integration as things stand. Your best option is to upload your PayPal transaction as a CSV instead. I talked a bit about how to do this earlier in this discussion.

    If you do end up going that route let me know if you need assistance, I'll be happy to lend a hand.

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