
Customising invoice reminders

BobHoffmanBobHoffman Member Posts: 3

Is it possible to customise the text in the invoice reminders?
In particular, my reminders are showing my companies legal name as opposed to my trading name.
I am a recruitment company in Ireland.
Thanks in advance.


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    BarsinBarsin Member, Moderator Posts: 2,041 ✭✭✭

    Hey there @BobHoffman

    You should be able to customize your reminder! Check out this screenshot below for where you can change the text for your reminders!

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    BobHoffmanBobHoffman Member Posts: 3

    Thank you for that. Sorry, I should have been precise, I do you that avenue to customise occasional reminders. Where can I customise the main template for reminders?

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    Andrew_GeorgeAndrew_George Member Posts: 8

    I wish to edit the receipt to client e-mail-wording. How does one access the e-mail template in Wave for 'receipts' and 'reminder' e-mails. Is it possible to put in personalised 'tags' such as Dear '#Name' in such e-mails. Thanks

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    ConnorMConnorM Member Posts: 1,229 ✭✭✭

    Hey @BobHoffman and @Andrew_George! Unfortunately that is not something that is currently editable within Wave on a template level. It will need to be done invoice-by-invoice. I'm sorry for the inconvenience!

    edited May 25, 2020
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    AvigAvig Member Posts: 1

    I would greatly appreciate if email reminders would say something as follows;
    “If payment has already been made please ignore this message.”
    "Please ignore this if you have paid."

    Adding the above language Is a standard approach to avoid misunderstandings and confusion.

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    ScendScend Member Posts: 2

    Can you please make customizing the text of invoice reminder emails a priority? Especially with the ability to use field names like #firstname and #companyname.

    It's so important to be able to control the voice of every communication that Wave sends on behalf of us. I'm surprised that you still don't allow for this, when virtually every other system I use allows for complete customization of communications to clients.

    Having to manually type individual messages in Wave is cumbersome and doesn't address the problem of the automatic reminders.

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    countylinecountyline Member Posts: 13

    Wave, please add this feature. I'd like to be able to modify the payment reminder template to tell my customers to send a check to my P.O. Box if they have not already paid. Based on the above comments the standard text does cannot be comprehensive enough to suit everyone, and editing it every time you want to send a reminder is too much effort. Also what happens with automatic reminders, can their text be edited at all?

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