
Add comparison feature for balance sheet

iangohiangoh Member Posts: 2

We typically generate balance sheet for two periods for comparison. I understand that cashlow can provide that, but the numbers are not side by side and there are too much other details. Is there any chance to enable the compare feature for balance sheets as well?


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    BarsinBarsin Member, Moderator Posts: 2,041 ✭✭✭

    Hey there @iangoh

    Can you elaborate a bit further on what it is you're looking for specifically?

    The Cash Flow report shows the movement of money between all accounts but does not outline the debits and credits for each transaction in the account. I'm not sure if I've understand you correctly but if you wouldn't mind expanding with some additional use-case examples we might be able to help you further! Thanks for your contribution to the community :smile:

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    iangohiangoh Member Posts: 2

    Hi BarsinA,
    Above is an example of what I meant. Basically, current WaveApps shows only balance sheet at ONE given point in time. But for financial reports, we tend to generate balance sheet at two time points, the current date and some point in the past (say one year ago). This will allow side by side comparison of the assets, liabilities and equity between these two time points.

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    ConnorMConnorM Member Posts: 1,229 ✭✭✭

    Hey @iangoh! Thanks for the context here. I'm thinking the best way to get as close to this feature at present would be to filter your balance sheet down to each year in question, and export those reports. You could then compare those reports, though I do understand this is much more manual work than the comparison feature that you'd thought of here. We'll make sure to flag this for future considerations to the platform!

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    avmailavmail Member Posts: 2

    Any update on this suggestion?

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    JulianPJulianP Member Posts: 1,002 ✭✭✭

    Hey @avmail !

    At this time, there are no updates on this functionality in Wave I'm afraid. I hope the workaround mentioned by Connor will suffice for the time being.

    edited May 17, 2021
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