How to remove "personal" from list of businesses?

FixItDikFixItDik Member Posts: 8

Hi, I am very new to Wave, think it's great and even appears to improve daily, but by accident I was in the settings and managed to fill in my personal details only to find that this has now added "Personal" to the list of accounts I am managing. How can I undo this please (as I have no need to use Wave for my personal accounts)?
Thanks in anticipation for your help (and BTW, small bit of feedback, perhaps the page where I entered these details could make it clearer that filling in the personal information enables this "Personal" business account - it is not obvious and I thought I was just entering my personal details as a user - subtle difference).


  • ConnorMConnorM Member Posts: 1,229 ✭✭✭

    Hey @FixItDik! Thanks for reaching out here. Each and every Wave account has a Personal account within that list - there is no way to remove it, unfortunately. I'm sorry for the inconvenience!

  • FixItDikFixItDik Member Posts: 8

    Hi @ConnorM, thanks mate, I guess I just didn't spot it until I started to think about adding a second business to the list, which I guess makes sense, but I honestly thought it only appeared once I added my personal details. No worries, I am sure I can ignore it successfully :) Thanks again for the reply. Regards. Dik

    edited May 29, 2020
  • Ryan1Ryan1 Member Posts: 1

    That makes literally no sense. I don't understand it's purpose. I don't understand why you create it by default even if a user doesn't want it. And I don't understand why it can't be deleted.

    Like seriously how hard is it to ask the user if they want it, and not create it unless they say yes. How hard is is to add a delete button to it for those of us who were already forcefully given it?

    That honestly just adds to the initial impression that this is a toy not a real business tool. I'm starting to think whoever said you get what you pay for wasn't that far off. Because so far this looks like a joke.

    edited March 17, 2021
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