
Dealing with receipt subtotals (multi taxables subtotals) in purchases

jdelbarriojdelbarrio Member Posts: 2

Dear all,
Thank you in advance for your time. I am new at WAVE and probably this was already answered.

I would like to know if there is any way possible to have several subtotals while uploading the information of Receipts inside the Purchases tab.

Normally, in a regular paper Receipt (Purchases), I have some items that are taxables and other not, perhaps some others that have a different amount of tax.

Is this customizable, Can I add more than one subtotal while uploading the information of the pictured receipt?

Would you recommend the best practice to register receipt purchases that have items with taxes, different taxes and no taxes in the same paper. I wouldnt like to use bills as a comearound

I apologize for my english, I am writing from Panama. BTW Waze is great!

edited June 1, 2020 in Technical Support


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    BarsinBarsin Member, Moderator Posts: 2,041 ✭✭✭

    Hey there @jdelbarrio

    At this present time you cannot technically add multiple subtotals to one receipt transaction in Wave.

    I'm curious if you would be able to benefit from our split transaction feature to assign it to different categories and taxes?

    Option two could be that you upload the same receipt a few times and edit the amounts with different totals for separate transactions. This may not reconcile with your bank statements, however it could be a good workaround!

    This may still be limited for you with regards to your tax implications, and for that I do apologize. Let us know if you come up with anything!

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    jdelbarriojdelbarrio Member Posts: 2

    Awesome, thank you for the reply!

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