
Email to customer when credit/debt card is denied

dljordanekudljordaneku Member Posts: 10

Is there any type of report that is automated that when a customer's card is denied for whatever reason, Wave will send them an email informing them or at least me that this occurred? If there is a way, I am overlooking it.
Darrell Jordan


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    BarsinBarsin Member, Moderator Posts: 2,041 ✭✭✭

    Hey there @dljordaneku

    I'm hoping that I've understood your request correctly, but there isn't a report for this. However your customer should see a decline for the invoice that they tried to pay and you should receive an email.

    Does this answer your question?

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    dljordanekudljordaneku Member Posts: 10

    I don't get anything when an automated invoice is not paid due to a card being declined.

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    BarsinBarsin Member, Moderator Posts: 2,041 ✭✭✭

    Hey again @dljordaneku

    I'm just reaching out to apologize for the misinformation I may have given in my previous post! You actually don't receive an email, instead, we post an in-app notification of the failed automatic payment for that recurring invoice. There are instances where we would send failed notices for invoices, but typically not for recurring ones with auto-payment. My apologies once again!

    You should be able to see the failed notification under the Sales > Invoices/recurring invoices section!

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    dljordanekudljordaneku Member Posts: 10

    Thanks for the clarification. It would be good to get some kind of email notification for me and the customer in case this happens. If that could be added in the future would be a great addition.


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    dljordanekudljordaneku Member Posts: 10

    Thanks for the clarification. It would be good to get some kind of email notification for me and the customer in case this happens.

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    dljordanekudljordaneku Member Posts: 10

    Thanks for the clarification. It would be good to get some kind of email notification for me and the customer in case this happens.

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    theactorsroomtheactorsroom Member Posts: 7

    I could not agree more!

    We do most of our business through recurring billing, and it's not ideal to have to email customers and say, "By the way, notice your credit card was declined..."

    It would feel much more professional for them to get an email from Wave.

    "Heads up!

    Your recent payment attempt to XX Business didn't go through. This could be due to insufficient funds or an expired card.

    You can view and pay this invoice here. If you're updating your details, your new card information will be automatically saved for future payments.

    Thanks, and have a great day!"

    Or whatever.

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