

SAM1212SAM1212 Member Posts: 1

I have been using Wave for two years now amongst 4 different entities, you have taken a lot of my money and I was ok with it. Now, you put my payouts on hold. I get that you need to protect yourselves from chargebacks etc. The clients product was delivered/received. I check my email and the account management team said they need to verify a few things before they make it available and 90% of the time it gets resolved same day. I replied earlier in the day and got no response that day. The next day, around 4pm, still no response. I open a support chat. The support team tells me that they did in fact get back to me at 10AM but their emails aren't going through. The support chat resends the email asking me to provide a contract between me and the client as well as a lot of other things. I send everything over, wait a day and get nothing. I think maybe the same things happened with the missed email and i opened a support chat to see if they could check for any updates and resend any emails that i missed. The support chat tells me they made it a priority and will make sure account management team gets back to me this time. I wait and wait and still no answer. It is now Saturday morning, and i cannot get in touch with the support chat. Now this is a large payment i received, but ive received larger payments without having this issue. Problem is, even the smaller invoices that were paid after this large invoice, are on hold as well.

Does Wave not understand that a company needs their money in order to do business and pay employees and such? I get that they need to protect themselves but for them to just do this without notifying me. And to not even call me or have a line i can call. I have absolutely NO CLUE how to resolve this. I have provided the account management team with EVERY SINGLE THING that they asked for. I do know one thing for sure. After 2 years, Wave has lost my business with all of my entities as well as any future entities. This is not something that you do, especially at a time like this when money is needed the most. Ive had conversations with my employees that i can not pay some of them for their last two weeks of work, and this is after they already took two paycuts due to coronavirus. These people have families and there is nothing I can do.

Wave, you single handedly destroyed my relationships with two of my vendors and I can not pay them, because of you my employees went home this week without ANY PAY. Again im not upset that you are protecting yourselves, im upset at your terrible process of verifying, its been a week still no money. If i knew this would happen, I wouldve done a wire and gotten the money. Thank you for making my life a living hell this week and taking up all my time trying to deal with this, with no resolution. YOU ARE HOLDING THE MONEY THAT IS OWED TO MY VENDORS AND EMPLOYEES.



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    JordanDJordanD Member Posts: 515 ✭✭✭

    Hey @SAM1212. Firstly, thank you for taking the time to share your experience in regards to the process of your payment being on hold. No doubt, the situation would have business impacts and so I wanted to take the time to acknowledge that the process did not live up to your expectations. I appreciate your level-headedness it terms of understanding that we at Wave have an obligation to protect our business but also yours as well. It's clear that in this case it was truly the workflow that you were more concerned about, and for that reason I have reached out to our Account Management Team to give you a call to explain what the hold up was. I'm sorry that the experience was not up to par, and I hope that you can see our willingness to ensure that you have some transparency in why we operate in certain areas as we do.

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    jeffsmithjeffsmith Member Posts: 1

    Jordan your non answer doesn't help anyone. Why doesn't Wave mention that this is a possibility when you sign up for payouts. Save your crocodile tears and provide real answers to this community. I feel bad for SAM1212, I am now going through the same thing and will be leaving wave as soon as this is resolved.

    edited July 28, 2020
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    BarsinBarsin Member, Moderator Posts: 2,041 ✭✭✭

    Hey there @jeffsmith

    I totally understand the frustration and I do apologize that your Wave payments experience has been a good one. When you first onboard to Wave Payments to accept credit card and ACH bank payments you are given a link to our terms of service as well as a little summary on what it means.

    Feel free to check that out in further detail here


    edited August 3, 2020
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