
How to transfer ownership

KestutisKestutis Member Posts: 2

I have two business accounts. I have ownership of both of them. I'm selling my part of business for single account and want to transfer ownership to a partner. Can I do that? If not, can partner create new business account with same name and export/import all data there?

What are my option to let go one business account, but keep another?

Thank you


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    CalliePCallieP Member Posts: 439 admin

    Hi @Kestutis , welcome to the Community! To confirm, you have 2 businesses in 1 Wave account, and want to transfer ownership of one of the businesses only? If so, I'm afraid that isn't directly possible, but I'll show you what you can do!

    If it's under one account, you'd need to do the export/import option, and this guide is a great resource for getting that going! The reason you can't separate the individual business ownership from within one Wave account is that the ownership is determined by the Wave account ownership, rather than the individual businesses within it.

    On the other hand, if you have multiple Wave accounts and want to transfer the ownership of one of those accounts, you can do so! You'd need to change the owner email, which you can learn how to do right here.

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    KestutisKestutis Member Posts: 2

    Well, I have single wave account and two business there. I see that I'll have to export/import everything.
    Thank you

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