
Invoice search by P.O. number or Summary

mckeejhmckeejh Member Posts: 1

When searching for an older invoice, there does not appear to be a capability to search by any identifying info other than Invoice number. Is that correct. If so, is there a workaround in Wave or an effort to make invoice management more user friendly?


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    CalliePCallieP Member Posts: 439 admin

    Hi @mckeejh , welcome to the Community! As of now, in Sales > Invoices you can search invoices by Customer, payment Status, Date range, and Invoice number. Right now our team is not working on implementing the ability to search for invoices by other data points. Thank you for sharing this feature idea with us here! We're always looking to improve our users' experience, and feedback like this helps us to do just that.

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    pixelstuffpixelstuff Member Posts: 3

    I just ran into this same problem. You have a field called "Summary (e.g. project name, description of invoice)", but there's no where in the interface that one can search or view a list of invoices to see this info at a glance.

    It would be helpful if searching this were possible. I have occasionally needed to look at past jobs, and Wave makes it really hard to find them.

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    YopiroYopiro Member Posts: 2

    I'm looking for this feature as well. I send multiple invoices to the same customer for the same project. I have the project name in the P.O field. Would be incredibly useful to search for all invoices that have the same P,O information.

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    MBiTMBiT Member Posts: 5

    I posted a comment / suggestion on this similar topic at the bottom of this discussion for those who may want to comment:

    Hoping for a WAVE PLUGIN PROGRAM very soon..

    Capability to search in invoice

    Really Love WAVE, thank you!

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    BlindOxInstallsBlindOxInstalls Member Posts: 2

    @CallieP said:
    Hi @mckeejh , welcome to the Community! As of now, in Sales > Invoices you can search invoices by Customer, payment Status, Date range, and Invoice number. Right now our team is not working on implementing the ability to search for invoices by other data points. Thank you for sharing this feature idea with us here! We're always looking to improve our users' experience, and feedback like this helps us to do just that.

    It would be a huge advantage to be able to search by PO#. I hope it is something you will consider adding in the next update. I would rather be able to search and apply payments by looking up the PO# rather than the invoice#.

    Thank you,

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