
open exported SCV in Open Office in mess

BeeSHiuanBeeSHiuan Member Posts: 2

Anybody encounter this issue?


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    JordanDJordanD Member Posts: 515 ✭✭✭

    Hey @BeeSHiuan and welcome to Wave's Community Forum! In order for our amazing Community or Admins to help, providing as much context for what you are seeing or screenshots may be helpful! Once we have more detail, we will be happy to help where we can! :)

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    BeeSHiuanBeeSHiuan Member Posts: 2

    HI, Thanks for reverting. i am using excel to open then no issue. I guess there is too many options when open the file by Open office, so I was choosing wrong options so cant open properly. Thanks anyway!

    edited June 21, 2020
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