Exported customer data does not include Internal notes.

GregGrahamGregGraham Member Posts: 3

I can view, add and change customer internal notes on my PC but they are not viewable at all on the Wave Invoicing app on my smartphone. When in the field I need access to customer internal notes (e.g. password data etc) so what to do? No problem I'm been in the computer game for 30 years and used to having to do my own fixes when others can't or won't, so I exported my Wave customer data with the plan to import it into Outlook. Trouble is, no internal notes are included on the exported file! How many people use a fax these days? Answer: nobody, yet Wave include this museum piece in the export file but not something useful like internal notes. Come on Wave, please add this to the export file. Or am I missing something?


  • JordanDJordanD Member Posts: 515 ✭✭✭

    @GregGraham Thanks for the level of the detail that you provided for us here! One point that would be helpful to know is how you currently export the information. Would you be doing this through a data Export (Settings > Data Export) or through our official Google Sheets integration called Wave Connect?

  • GregGrahamGregGraham Member Posts: 3

    I'm exporting it as a .csv through Settings > Data Export

  • BarsinBarsin Member, Moderator Posts: 2,041 ✭✭✭

    Hi there @GregGraham

    I really do appreciate this feedback and totally understand the frustration here. My apologies that the download does not include the customer info section here. I do feel that this is a great discussion to start in our community and hope to see others contribute to this thread with similar +1's. Thanks so much for your contribution.

  • MLScoutMLScout Member Posts: 3

    I, too wasn't happy to find that the internal notes field is not included in the data export. It doesn't make a lot of sense to omit that field from a data export. I decided to put some notes in the Fax field so I could export them. It has a limited number of characters. In some businesses fax may still get used a lot, but since I don't need that field and we can't add custom fields, I'm using it for some internal notes.

    The Delivery Instructions field is another big field and that is included in the export (although I don't like that "Ship To" is required to use it). Therefore, it doesn't seem that the large field size would be a reason for omitting the Internal Notes field from the export.

    edited November 8, 2020
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