Employee timesheets

KeithPaskettKeithPaskett Member Posts: 1

I just added my first timecard employee, so far they have all been salaried.
I was expecting them to be able to enter their hours directly in Wave, but that doesn't seem to be the case. Am I missing something?


  • JordanDJordanD Member Posts: 515 ✭✭✭

    Hey @KeithPaskett and Welcome to Wave's Community Forum! While Wave has recently launched the ability for employees to self-onboard, they currently do not have the capability to enter their own timesheets. This is something that the team continues to investigate but does not have current plans to implement as they have been busy making on the fly adjustments to support our Payroll product through the many jurisdictional COVID-19 payroll benefits that are being offered.

  • FridayCoffeeFridayCoffee Member Posts: 4

    Employees being able to enter their own hours would be a good thing. Hope you are able to implement it soon

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