Selective Payment Options By Customer

ShoutCreativeShoutCreative Member Posts: 4

Is it possible to select what payment options are available to a particular client/customer i.e. Customer A I want to only offer bank transfer/online banking Customer B I want to only offer Stripe Payment and Customer C I want to offer both options - Anywhere this can be done, per customer?



  • BarsinBarsin Member, Moderator Posts: 2,041 ✭✭✭

    Hey there @ShoutCreative

    Typically Stripe customers are only able to use a credit card on your invoices, while bank payments would need to be done outside of Wave. If you wanted to turn off credit card payment it should be at the top of your invoice verification page.

  • ShoutCreativeShoutCreative Member Posts: 4

    Thanks for that, unfortunately, that does not answer my question. I am aware of the payment process either by banking and Stripe. My question is to be able to select which of my clients can pay via Stripe and which can't. I have clients outside of my country who can only pay by credit/debit card and I have local clients, some I only want to offer online banking, some only credit card option and some that have both options. Example: when setting up a new Customer or editing an existing customer, is it not possible to have two checkboxes labelled 'Banking' and 'Stripe ' and whichever one (or both) are selected, are the options available to that client on the invoice. Do hope I have explained myself better.

  • ShoutCreativeShoutCreative Member Posts: 4

    UPDATE - This could actually be simplified. Just by having a checkbox that says 'Do not allow Stripe for this Customer - Then I can return to having Stripe available to all customers, except those whom I select cant use Stripe.

  • CalliePCallieP Member Posts: 439 admin

    Hey @ShoutCreative , thanks for getting back. As @BarsinA mentioned, the only way to turn off payments per customer, is to do so per invoice. At this time we don't have the ability to turn this on/off on a customer basis - but thank you for sharing this idea! While it's not something we're currently working on or planning to work on, it doesn't mean it won't happen one day in future, so thank you for contributing here. We love hearing from you :)

  • ShoutCreativeShoutCreative Member Posts: 4

    Many thanks for the clarification CallieP

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