
Feature request - Limbo or Suspension category?

kevinfreelskevinfreels Member Posts: 8

I made a payment arrangement with a customer today and per the discussion, we would "erase" one invoice if another was paid by a certain date. Unfortunately there are a ton of invoices to the same customer and no way to move it from an active invoice back to a "draft" or anything else that I can see. I think it would be incredibly nice to be able to move an invoice to another tab/category just for this purpose. Call it Limbo, suspense, I don't know. There's probably a better name for it. I've seen it in other billing systems. This would be very handy as I have a lot of these and similar but not identical situations and it would seriously save me time and reduce clutter in the unpaid invoices section.


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    NicoletteBNicoletteB Member Posts: 122 ✭✭

    @kevinfreels Appreciate the feedback about our invoicing system. At this time, we don't have a "suspended" state with Invoices. While the detail you've given above is great, if you can go through the workflow of how you are currently dealing with these invoices and what you would like to see instead will give us a better idea of how we could create this in the future. The more specific you can get, the better!

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