How can I send a Purchase Order to a supplier

I buy items from a supplier and sell them with mark up to my client. How do I record these items, and send my purchase order to the supplier.
Also - is there a way then, of just adding the items to my invoice, where I can then mark them up?
Many thanks all...
If I can do this I will be so happy. Its a great platform.
Hey there @Martina_Comms
I would check out our inventory tracking help center article on how to do this! It should give you a good walk through on how to keep track of your inventory being marked up.
I would also like to know how to send a purchase order to a vendor or supplier. The article referenced lectures on how to send a "Bill" to a vendor. The is different from a purchase order. In fact most of my vendors only accept a document labeled "Purchase Order" and nothing else. A document labelled "Bill" will not work making that article referenced, useless.
Maybe Bill is a US term, and they don't use Purchase Orders. Think this is a US platform.
Hey there @Jamr @Martina_Comms
Wave doesn't presently have a way to send purchase orders at this time. Check out the thread I linked for more information on this and thanks for your post in our community!
That thread is closed.
Why not just give us the ability to change the name of a bill like you give us the ability to change the name of estimates. This sounds like an easy fix and one that can be implemented immediately to satisfy many peoples requirements.

We would also need a way to email or print the PO.
That would be great and it would show you really are listening to your customers instead of the typical "We have no road map for this feature"
Thank you.
I have to agree with you J Miller.
This would be a big help — particularly for subcontractors that are setup for payroll. Many I’ve used require some sort of PO or CYA document and this is a big deficiency of Wave’s (especially considering so many users are service providers and the number who subcontract).
[EDIT: As a person who subcontracts services heavily, this would be something (when combined with being able to add files (like my Ts&Cs)) that could easily bring me back to Wave and find a workaround for the reporting gaps.]
I honestly wouldn't mind paying for Wave if it did what I need it to do.... PO's being one of those items.
EDIT 2: Sorry for the snarky in my post — it’s just that a lot of people seem to have been asking for this as far back as 2016/2017 and Wave hasn’t yet deemed it worthy of the roadmap yet and it was a little disheartening to see.
Hey, @Barsin. Wanted to follow up on this because I don't want this thread to fall through the cracks like the other PO-feature-request threads.
I'm in the process of onboarding two new subcontractors for some of my site visits and one of them is particularly savvy and is requiring POs and absolutely will not work without one. Smart business, in my opinion, but it's a gap that has existed here since at least 2016 or 2017 nonetheless (I did a cursory search for the oldest reference to a PO feature request I could) and one that solidifies the tether QuickBooks has on my company.
So my point is this: I moved my for-profit work off Wave because of reporting, attaching documents to invoices (such as proof of completion, Ts&Cs, etc.), and POs (also with attachment capabilities) QuickBooks isn't much better, as you guys already know, but I've at least got the bare-bones basics. The ability to send POs from a jobsite with my iPad is something that would make me (and many others, I suspect) return to Wave — with my expanding service offerings and billing for subs' time, it even makes Wave Payments a little more palatable (especially if we get the ability to pass along fees) since I can make a sales pitch for it while I'm standing next to my client.
Since most of the folks on here (from what I've read elsewhere on these boards) are service providers, I really, really, really hope you guys will take a hard look at this feature. As @Jamr pointed out, it might just be as simple as changing the name of a bill and giving us the ability to email it so it replicates the basic function of a 'regular' PO.
Either way, thanks for [virtually] listening.
Hey @tsfjax , we always appreciate your in-depth feedback on why a function/product should be added.
I'll ensure it gets to the right team 🙂
Hey @Martina_Comms

Moselle might be able to help you out!
I’m a long-time Wave user for businesses that I have run and I know first-hand that creating purchase orders for overseas suppliers is a tedious and time consuming task.... Not to mention the complexities around looking up HS codes and constantly monitoring foreign exchange rates, which is why we built Moselle.
We also love Wave, which is why we’ll be integrating with Wave (coming this fall), so you can keep using your awesome accounting software and use Moselle without any hitches.
Disclaimer: I am the founder of Moselle and would love to hear your feedback of how we can better serve fellow small-medium business owners like you
I found the long-closed 2017-2018 thread demanding Purchase Order capability in Wave. Now here's the more current one. And just above a 3rd party is willing to solve the problem, for a fee. This does not seem promising. Wave is very very close to missing the opportunity - perhaps intentionally - to provide their accounting service to a company like mine.
I run a consultancy providing services to large and small manufacturers around the world. I have subcontractors around the world, too. I issue Purchase Orders to my subs and they invoice me against those POs. I can't do this with Wave until Wave properly implements POs. And don't tell me to use a hack like editing estimates or invoices to produce a temporary PO; this needs to be baked in to Wave or it fails as an accounting system for a services business like mine (and many others, it seems).
> Hey @Martina_Comms
> [Moselle]( might be able to help you out!
> I’m a long-time Wave user for businesses that I have run and I know first-hand that creating purchase orders for overseas suppliers is a tedious and time consuming task.... Not to mention the complexities around looking up HS codes and constantly monitoring foreign exchange rates, which is why we built Moselle.
> We also love Wave, which is why we’ll be integrating with Wave (coming this fall), so you can keep using your awesome accounting software and use Moselle without any hitches.
> [](
> Disclaimer: I am the founder of Moselle and would love to hear your feedback of how we can better serve fellow small-medium business owners like you :)
> @Yet_Another_Mike said:
> I found the long-closed 2017-2018 thread demanding Purchase Order capability in Wave. Now here's the more current one. And just above a 3rd party is willing to solve the problem, for a fee. This does not seem promising. Wave is very very close to missing the opportunity - perhaps intentionally - to provide their accounting service to a company like mine.
> I run a consultancy providing services to large and small manufacturers around the world. I have subcontractors around the world, too. I issue Purchase Orders to my subs and they invoice me against those POs. I can't do this with Wave until Wave properly implements POs. And don't tell me to use a hack like editing estimates or invoices to produce a temporary PO; this needs to be baked in to Wave or it fails as an accounting system for a services business like mine (and many others, it seems).
This guy gets it. Pay attention, Wave. There are dozens of examples just like this and no one at Wave seems to be listening. :(
It’s why I moved my business off the platform — until some of the things everyone has been asking for for years start getting paid attention to.
No Accounting software is complete without PO all companies use PO's. Bills could be used at a pinch but currently vendors are added with email addresses, but you have no facility to email them. Just get onto crowd funding and get the money to add the feature your holding your business back without this feature. If a competitor offers software with PO's were all gonna leave.
Please add this feature Wave!
Come on Wave!!! it's been 3 years of people requesting this feature, how hard can it be to add a PO generating feature... This is what's going to make your platform viable. Every small business have to sell and buy things. Unable to generate POs, and then convert them into bills is just silly!!!
I started using "Purchase Order Builder" from the microsoft store. Works fine and is free.
The other thread is closed and we haven't seen an update about this for a few years now....
I read the old thread, and now this one. With every new post I was sure I'd come to the one where the feature had been added. How has this need been unmet for so long?!
WAVE is not free. I do pay for it with each and every CC payment. I suppose therein lies the answer as to why our cries have been ignored: POs rarely result in a credit card payment.
WAVE team - the demand is there! The need is real! Find a way to profit from it already. I'd pay for premium features like PO generation just to stay within one platform.
It just occurred to me that WAVE will indeed make money from the Purchase Orders I issue. In fact, the amount they make will be based on much more than my PO total.
Each and every dollar I spend on a PO will be charged to a customer, with a customary markup. So the invoice total got those good will be higher. In addition, there will be labor dollars on the invoice too. This means that the cut WAVE takes as their fee is capturing the PO costs very adequately.
Please please please, WAVE?