
Export selected transactions

John_MacJohn_Mac Member Posts: 5

It would be great if we could export selected transactions.


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    CalliePCallieP Member Posts: 439 admin

    Hey @John_Mac , thanks for your message! This isn't something our product team is currently working on changing at the moment. Thanks for this great feature idea! Would you be able to expand on how this would impact your workflow for our consideration?

    edited June 29, 2020
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    ugzrubenugzruben Member Posts: 4

    Good afternoon!! I would think this would be a great feature.

    Being able to select transactions, having them add up/totaled somewhere and the ability to export them to cvs or xls.

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    samanthaqqqsamanthaqqq Member Posts: 1

    Totally agree- this feature would be AMAZING for managing my expenses. I can't expense all of my transactions, so I use the review feature to indicate which ones I can.

    If I could be able to only export the the ones I need rather than having to export ALL of my transactions, this would be SO much more convenient. Sadly, even the current export method doesn't include whether transactions were reviewed... :(

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