Limiting access to user

David_RockDavid_Rock Member Posts: 1

Hello, I have to start by saying Wave is simply amazing and simple. Living in Vietnam I am VERY limited to my American counter parts.

With that, my question is. I have added a new user she is the manager. Is it possible to limit her to ONLY access to do deposits to "Cash on hand" and making everything else none visual at all?

My main reason is due to security, Vietnam's laws do not protect me at all as a business owner on these manners, so I just want her to have the ability to add customer payments and see those payments if she needs to verify, nothing more nothing less.

Thank you guys


  • CalliePCallieP Member Posts: 439 admin

    Hey @David_Rock , thanks for reaching out! Thanks also for your kind words - I'm so glad to hear that Wave is turning out to be a useful option for your business' needs! I'm afraid it's not possible to customize user permissions in Wave. If you need a user to be able to add transactions, then they need to be able to see all transactions. I'm sorry for any inconvenience this may cause for you.

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