Report: Wrong region info / spelling mistakes (Danish)
I have clients in Denmark, and honestly, I cringe a bit when they tell me about all the spelling mistakes in the Danish regions and that they are not current (in the address dropdown).
As I am originally a Dane, I thought I'd just tell you here what they are supposed to be.
There are 5 regions in Denmark:
Right now, in Wave they are listed as:
Arhus, Bornholm, Frederiksborg, Fyn, Hovedstaden, Kobenhavn, Midtjyllen, Nordjylland, Ribe, Ringkobing, Roskilde, Sjelland, Sonderjylland, Staden Kobenhavn, Storstrom, Syddanmark, Vejle, Vestsjalland, Viborg
... which (apart from all the horrible spelling errors) represent the OLD regions/provinces that were dissolved back in 2006 and haven't existed since.
And if you can't use an "æ" character, at least type "ae" as a replacement.
@John69 Hey John, thanks for putting this on our radar. I've reached out to the appropriate Engineering team to let them know. They actually have a task list of geographical information that needs to be changed in-app which they'll be tackling soon. This has been added to that list of things to complete.
Thanks again for making us aware of this!