
Transaction details missing

TamekaTameka Member Posts: 2

I connected my business bank (Enterprise Banking - Business) & uploaded CVS statements but none of the transaction details are showing. All I see is "ATM debit" instead of the merchant info. This means I'll have to print my bank statements & input all the transactions manually. What am I doing wrong?


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    ConnorMConnorM Member Posts: 1,229 ✭✭✭

    Hey @Tameka! Thanks for reaching out here. Can you take a screenshot for me of what your CSV looks like before you upload it into Wave? I'm wondering if they layout of the CSV might be giving you some grief here, but I'd love to see what you're seeing so that I can help as best as possible.

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    TamekaTameka Member Posts: 2

    Here it is.

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    ConnorMConnorM Member Posts: 1,229 ✭✭✭

    Hey @Tameka. So I do see that there's a column here that says mostly "ATM Debit". When you upload your statement, the CSV uploader itself should let you choose the column that you want to use for transaction descriptions. I'm thinking you'll want to select that correct column in order for this to work more effectively here. If you don't see that correct column in Wave during that upload workflow, you'll want to swap the columns in your CSV between ATM Debit and the actual description. Hope that helps!

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