Backup and availability

hhajjhhajj Member Posts: 2

I'm new to this software and it looks great. I'm a bit curious about the backup and availability, anyone can share some information about that.


  • AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi @hhajj.

    You can download most of your data through the Global Export function, and use that as back-up. Everything is kept on the cloud and is more than well secured. I can share our privacy and security policies if you'd like to read up on those.

    Wave's free features are available worldwide. Wave Payroll is only available in Canada and the United States, and our payment processing services are available throughout 23 different countries.

    Does this answer your questions?

  • digitalqualiadigitalqualia Member Posts: 1

    Hi Alexa. Does the Global Export function enable a user to back up all images of receipts without having to deal with each receipt image individually? Is all data related to each receipt (not just the image files) also backed up?

    TMI Version: The reason I ask is because I'm new to researching tax software. I'm exploring options to track my expenses (for tax purposes). I can imagine that many people with hard copies of receipts do not feel comfortable converting over to digital and throwing out receipts (due to fear that if the images are ever lost then they could lose thousands of dollars that would have been saved via tax deductions.) I really want to convert to digital so my receipts don't clutter up space, but I couldn't have peace of mind unless I was backing up all images of receipts on my end. Thanks for any info.

  • AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi, @digitalqualia.

    Thanks for giving Wave a look! Here's hoping we'll convince you to stick around!

    From Data Export, in your settings, you download all of your receipts. They'll be sent to you in a zip file as separate images. You won't have to download them one by one. It will be only the images, however.

    For the transactions linked to them, you'll have to look to your reports. The Account Transactions report for your various expense accounts is probably what you're looking for.

    There's currently no report with both the images and the data they're linked to combined, but you export them separately easily enough.

  • John_Longland1John_Longland1 Member Posts: 6

    Good day

    Thanks for the info on backing up my data. How long does it take fro the mail to be sent ?
    I have waited a half-an hour ?? Am I to impatient ??? Many thanks

  • James_HudsonJames_Hudson Member Posts: 121 admin

    Hey @John_Longland1 , The backup should take no more than a couple of minutes to be sent to your email address. If you're not seeing it, keep in mind that it will only be sent to the owner address of the Wave account.

    You can check your owner address by clicking on your business name, selecting "Manage Your Profile" and clicking "Emails & Connected Accounts," and checking the primary address there.

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