Feature Request - Lock all transactions before a given date

There is a similar post where several users have asked for a feature to be able to lock a year once it's been closed off.
Would it be possible instead to add a configurable date (changeable in settings), before which no transaction may be added, deleted, or modified? The idea is to prevent accidental modifications which break previous periods reports. This could be fairly simple from a software dev perspective to do - the date on any submitted transaction would just need to be compared to the "lock date", and rejected if it's before that date.
At the same time, it would give users the flexibility to change things in the past by temporarily clearing the lock date or setting it to an earlier value.
Thanks for considering this.
To be clear, what I'm suggesting is a single, company-wide date that applies to all accounts for that company, and not a per-account date. The date could, for example, be included on the "Dates and Currency" panel under settings.
This feature is very important.
Either this or approvals workflows are a very necessary feature. I also requested the same thing in one of my posts. Here is it's link
Locking a prior period that has been closed off is an essential feature that should be added. I've read that they (Wave) says they can't include the feature because it prevents reporting. That sounds lazy. Surely there is a workaround. It's just a coding problem. At the very least they could include a warning that a user is trying to do to a prior period may cause problems.