Balance Carried Over/Balance Owing on Invoices?

Hey Guys,
Is there a way to show an outstanding balance on the next Invoice I send the customer; and if not, what would be the best way to work around this?
Example: I have a customer who only paid $450 towards a $500 invoice. On the next Invoice I want to display a "Balance Carried Over/Outstanding Balance" for $50 so that they pay what is outstanding along with their next invoice.
Hey there @AsheAUS
Wave does not have a way to carry over a balance at this point though this is a request we've heard from our users. We do have a workaround for this in Wave however! You can create a new item on your invoice and call it "balance" (of whatever you find appropriate) then create a negative amount. This will reduce the invoice by that balance which is still owed minus what they paid.
Hope this screenshot helps!
It would be good to have an option to “Display Open invoices on Current invoice”, or an option to display the customer Balance on the Invoice.
The suggested workaround for this, doesn't accomplish what is requested. Adding a new charge / credit (negative) amount will affect the customer balance. Any progress towards adding the original request to display open balance on new invoice? thanks!
Any movement on this? I have just experienced this with a client of mine and need to be able to resolve the unpaid invoice and add the balance forward on their next invoice.