
Dashboard Data and Estimate Not Loading (Chrome, Macbook)

mikeisyoungmikeisyoung Member Posts: 1


My dashboard won't load the entire right side of data (just wheel spins, as seen in the first screenshot). I also cannot see my estimates (second screenshot, just blank), nor can I create any new estimates (third screenshot - loads to an entirely blank screen).

This just started a few weeks ago, and my partner who also uses a mac and chrome, and who is using the same network, is able to load it fine.

I've cleared browsing data/cache, and have tried disabling all extensions and even resinstalling my browser. Any help would be so nice!

Thank you!


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    ConnorMConnorM Member Posts: 1,229 ✭✭✭

    Hey @mikeisyoung! Thanks for reaching out here. This is definitely a particular situation! Just to triple check, I know you've mentioned that your browser cache and cookies have been cleared - when you compare your situation to your partner's, have you noted your versions of Chrome? Also, have you tried any other browsers outside of Chrome at this time? Firefox would be an alternative to triple check with. I can absolutely get us to take a deeper dive into this together, I'd just want to make sure we're covering all of our bases!

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    YuliaYulia Member Posts: 1

    same issue, tried incognito mode, cleaning cookies (what the bot recommended), hasn't worked

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    AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hey @Yulia , typically your Estimates not loading is a result of some sort of virus protection or firewall that you have on your system. I'd recommend disabling all extensions in your browser as well as whitelisting Wave in your virus protection. Although we don't really recommend it, you can also try disabling your anti-virus software to confirm this is what's making the difference.

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