Export search data

RSTRST Member Posts: 1

Is there a way to export your search data?
For eg. If I search for a particular amount or name etc in the acount transcations, Am I able to export this as an excel document?



  • CalliePCallieP Member Posts: 439 admin

    Hi there @RST , thanks for your post! I'm afraid that specific searches can't be exported directly out of Wave in this way. What you could do for certain searches, like category or customer/vendor, is head to Reports > Accounting Transactions (General Ledger), specify the qualifiers you want to see, and export that report by clicking 'Export' in the top right corner. Otherwise, if you only want to visually reference the searches in Accounting > Transactions (e.g., not looking to input them into a spreadsheet), you could screenshot the search and look at the image for reference.

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