Creating Profit Allocations

Shasha1234Shasha1234 Member Posts: 3
Hi all, was just wondering is it possible for wave to auto allocate Marketing budgest based on our profits.

For example, i always use 20% of my profit from last month for next months Marketing Expenses. Its not a fixes amount and always depends on monthly profits.

Is there anyway, wave can auto calculate how much I can spend on marketing for the following month. And (if possible), in fact tell me at then end of the said month, how much remaining money is still unused from the said allocation?

This would be really helpful, in seeing how much money i can carry over or plan my marketing decisions wisely


  • CalliePCallieP Member Posts: 439 admin

    Hi @Shasha1234 , thanks for your message! I'm afraid this is not possible in Wave. Wave's focus is primarily on bookkeeping rather than budgeting, so this is why this type of feature is not available in Wave. Thank you for sharing how this function would impact your business with us!

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