
How to edit column titles in estimate?

LaraCBLaraCB Member Posts: 1

Hi there,
I'm having some troubles customising the column titles when creating an estimate.

When creating an invoice, this is easily done using the 'Edit columns' button to change the titles for that invoice only (not the default titles), like you can see in this screenshot: https://d.pr/i/3s2kYE

However, when creating an estimate, this button isn't available, see example here: https://d.pr/i/FBC8z7
In fact, when you move into preview mode, you can see that the titles are actually totally different to what you see in editing mode, which is super weird: https://d.pr/i/NrXmzU

I was 99% sure that when creating estimates in Wave in the past I had been able to edit the column titles in exactly the same way as on an invoice (using the little 'Edit columns' button) but now it's gone. Perhaps this was never a feature?

I'm not sure but any help is hugely appreciated! I need to be able to change the titles from Product / Quantity / Price / Amount to just Service / Project Fee.



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    BarsinBarsin Member, Moderator Posts: 2,041 ✭✭✭

    Hey there @LaraCB

    The estimates function isn't as versatile as the invoicing section. The only changes you can make can be found under Settings (bottom left) > Invoice customization. This gives you a bit more flexibility on your estimates, but not a whole lot. :disappointed:

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    liam_paragonliam_paragon Member Posts: 2

    Hi there,

    @Barsin is there any intention to add such a feature to Wave? It seems quite odd that the functionality is available in an Invoice but not an estimate? If I intend on charging with a different method for an item, then I should be able to estimate it in the same manner...

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    JulianPJulianP Member Posts: 1,002 ✭✭✭

    Hello @liam_paragon !

    At this time, there are no plans to implement this feature on our current product road map and we don't have an ETA available for if or when this feature will be developed. With that being said, we are not dismissing your feedback as often revisit feature ideas. I apologize for the inconvenience.

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