
Credit Note



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    FoxhouseFoxhouse Member Posts: 1
    How do I create a credit note in wave against an invoice I already sent?
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    teejaybeeteejaybee Member Posts: 1
    Another +1 for Credit note functionality.
    I chose wave to act simply as an Invoice book so am not relying on it as my executive accounts system but do love the functions presently available. Proper credit note functionality would improve it so much. And it’s a Must have to be taken seriously for accounts software.
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    KatinkaKatinka Member Posts: 0
    Can someone perhaps assist me how to create a credit note? A customer paid an invoice, but made typing error on the amount. They need a credit note to rectify it.
    edited November 2, 2020
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    AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hi @Hans , that would be one way to handle it. You could also pause recurring invoices and send a single manual invoice, and then return to recurring invoices again on your next cycle.

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    AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hey @Foxhouse , I've merged your comment into this Credit Note thread which will give you some further insight into alternative methods to track credit notes since we don't have this functionality in the software at the moment.

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    AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hey @Katinka , your comment has been merged into this thread which will give you some further info into the workarounds we have to track credit notes since this functionality isn't currently available in the software.

    edited November 2, 2020
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    ColleenicColleenic Member Posts: 1

    @Alexia I am a little new to this and just learning Wave myself, but, why not just go in and edit the original invoice with credit or refund line items?

    edited November 10, 2020
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    Citizen_of_the_WorldCitizen_of_the_World Member Posts: 3

    Hi all,

    I created a "negative invoice" as suggested in this thread - how do I apply it to the "unpaid" amount of the invoice it's correcting? Client is still showing the "unpaid" portion of the invoice as overdue.

    Thank you

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    AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hi @Colleenic , a credit note really can be used in a variety of different situations. What you're mentioning is also a very valid way to handle taking a specific balance of an invoice. We do often advise for Credit Notes that you just add an additional line item to the invoice with a negative amount to reduce the total.

    Hey @Citizen_of_the_World , which post specifically are you referring to? I'm afraid I'm not fully understanding your question but I should be able to advise if I see exactly where you're getting this recommendation from.

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    Citizen_of_the_WorldCitizen_of_the_World Member Posts: 3
    @AlexL thank you for checking in - got it solved. 👍
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    StephanKStephanK Member Posts: 12

    I need credit notes.

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    SolarSolar Member Posts: 2

    I need credit notes.

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    smashpopsmashpop Member Posts: 1
    This thread started in 2018 and 3 years later in 2021, CREDIT NOTE IS STILL NOT ADDED?
    I need the credit note feature ASAP.
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    BMacLellanBMacLellan Member Posts: 1
    +1 We Need a dedicated credit note facility. PLEASE. I Love wave but I need to be able to do proper credit notes without having to do a work around.

    At the moment you can create an invoice and change the name at the top to a credit note, I can reference the invoice number to which the credit note relates in the invoice number slot but before putting the number in I type credit note first, this then will show up on the statement as invoice credit note specifically. I then load the item to be credited onto a line and put the amount into a minus which will then place the amount in brackets. However at the bottom it will still state amount due which is not perfect. On your customer statement it will then bring it up as invoice credit note with the amount in brackets which will then remove that amount accordingly from outstanding monies owed. Which the customer will see when the statement is sent. It’s just NOT perfect.
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    talialltaliall Member Posts: 3

    Please, please add a proper way to credit your customers!! This request has been made for years now.

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    johndiewjohndiew Member Posts: 1

    This thread started in 2018 and it's April 2022 now. It's amazing that they still haven't added Credit Note functionality. At this point, I doubt the team has consulted any certified accountant or financial auditor for WAVE accounting software.

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