Multi Subtotals in invoice?

Right now, it shows one subtotal and tax amount right underneath. I was wondering if there is any way to show subtotal for taxable and non taxable on the invoice.
Thank you in advance.
Right now, it shows one subtotal and tax amount right underneath. I was wondering if there is any way to show subtotal for taxable and non taxable on the invoice.
Thank you in advance.
Hey @efficientts! How would that ideally look for you within Wave? I'd love to know a little more about what you're looking to accomplish in order to best help you here!
Hi, @ConnorM
I would like to simply shows the sub-total of the taxable products and its tax amount and the sub-total of non taxable products on the bottom of the invoice.
Subtotal Taxable: $ xxx.xx
HST(13%): $xxx.xx
GST(5%): $xxx.xx
Subtotal Non Taxable: $ xxx.xx
Total: $xxx.xx
Maybe even having a column showing if it is taxable item like:
Item | Quantity | Price | Amount | Taxable(HST/GST/None)
With current invoice format, it is not clear that witch item is taxable and its tax rate. Clients often get confused if the tax was added on non taxable items as well.
I am not sure if there is any way to correct this by customizing the invoice format.
Hey @efficientts , this isn't currently available in the software through any sot of invoice customization but we're happy to have your use case documented here for our product team to consider for future improvements!
Is this ever going to happen? I've seen other requests as far back as 2018.
I have a situation where I have a discount but want to list the total "before discount" so the customer realizes how much they should be paying if they didn't get the discount.