Creating one group for different customers

Jawed_AllanaJawed_Allana Member Posts: 9
Is it possible to creat one group of customers to whom goods sent but bill send to parent customer


  • ConnorMConnorM Member Posts: 1,229 ✭✭✭

    Hey @Jawed_Allana! Can you explain a little further how this would ideally look for you within Wave? I'd love to understand what you need in order to see if Wave is able to help!

  • Jawed_AllanaJawed_Allana Member Posts: 9
    I send goods to different customers in different cities but bill/invoice for payment has to send to only main customer duly consolidated for all payments of all different customers. Therefore instead of sending separate invoice of each customer I want to make a group of customers so that one consolidated invoice may generate and send to main customer. I couldn't find this option.
  • BarsinBarsin Member, Moderator Posts: 2,041 ✭✭✭

    Hey there @jawed_allana

    Unfortunately this type of complex invoice transaction is not available in Wave. I'm curious if Claiming Reimbursable Expenses on your invoice might be able to help you? Do let us know!

  • Jawed_AllanaJawed_Allana Member Posts: 9
    i got work around for the soulution that to use foot note. however thanks for your time.
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