
Over payment of invoice

HaddersHadders Member Posts: 5

How do we allocate an payment taht is larger than the invoice, does wave reconcile with next invoice?


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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi @Hadders.

    There's no way to record payments to the next invoice automatically, but here's how you would handle it. Say you received a payment of $150 for an invoice of $100, and you have another invoice of $100 to get paid for.

    • Record a payment of $150 dollars to your first invoice. Your customer statement will show that you owe your client $50.
    • After creating your second invoice, go find the payment for the first invoice and split it into two parts. The first one will be for $100 and will stay categorized as a payment for your original invoice.
    • Categorize the second payment as "Payment for an invoice made in Wave" and choose our second invoice.
    • Send out your second invoice. There will be a note on it saying that a $50 payment was already made.

    This will make it so your customer statement will balance and the payment is accurately

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    HaddersHadders Member Posts: 5

    Thanks Appreciated

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