More Editable Options for Account Settings

MrsThorntonMrsThornton Member Posts: 7

I am a new user of Wave and I am starting to organize my chart of accounts and so on. There are a few things that I have ran into, that I just feel needs to be more user friendly. For example, the business type should be editable. When I first signed up, I didn't see the option (not sure if it was there at the time) I needed to set up the appropriate chart of accounts and now I see it and would like to change it to prevent having to create/customize the current one.

In addition, I added and category for other income, and have not entered any numbers into the category as of yet, but when go into profit and loss to review the data on it, it shows there is over $3,000 in additional income, and there is no way that I see to get that corrected. I have already reviewed how to change the transaction category, however, these particular transactions are not listed in there. It's a little frustrating.


  • BarsinBarsin Member, Moderator Posts: 2,041 ✭✭✭

    Hey there @MrsThornton

    Thanks for this feedback.

    I'm curious if your $3000 is because of an invoice you created to this other income account? You should be able to see the method to change your reports from accrual to cash. Our reports are primarily in accrual basis so this might be the possibility? What happens when you select the transaction in your report? Does it reroute you to your transactions page?

  • MrsThorntonMrsThornton Member Posts: 7
    There is not a $3000 invoice. That was a total for all different transactions. When I click into the transactions they have listed, it pulls up all the accrual accounts it looks like but even so it should be for Bartending/Booking Services (can't remember the exact listing). But it should not be for the Branded Merchandise account. There are no sales for that yet.
  • BarsinBarsin Member, Moderator Posts: 2,041 ✭✭✭

    Hey again @MrsThornton

    Have you recategorized these transactions and placed them in their correct account? I'm not exactly sure why they would have changed categories on you, however I know our autocategorization may have caught this first? Let us know.

  • MrsThorntonMrsThornton Member Posts: 7
    I have tried to recategorize them and its not syncing correct with the profit and loss report. When I click on details for branded merchandise in the profot and loss it pools up the items that is suppose to be for bartending services/bookings. There are only two items (very small amounts) that are for branded merchandise. And are correct because I just added those. However when I added the Branded Merchandise to the chart of accounts, the transactions under Bartending Services/ bookings automatically moved to branded merchandise on profit and loss and they are not categorizing to where they need to be.
  • CalliePCallieP Member Posts: 439 admin

    Hi there @MrsThornton , thanks for adding some more context to this issue here. Would you be able to send a screenshot of what you're seeing there, both in the transactions page and the reports? The entire screen would be best! Let us know and we can go from there.

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