Wave censoring posts now!?

cyphix333cyphix333 Member Posts: 39 ✭✭

Well isn't that interesting, it seems Wave have now started censoring posts on the forum - will this be deleted to?

I just now posted over on the popular thread regarding being able to attach receipts to transactions here: https://community.waveapps.com/discussion/590/how-to-attach-receipt-to-account-transaction/

Wrote a very long post (which I fortunately saved) and within a couple of minutes the post had vanished.

Yes, I was critical of Wave, just as many others in the thread have been, but I kept it respectful and professional, didn't use any profanity and I believe kept it factual.

I did ask them some hard questions and challenged their decisions at why the feature in question hadn't been implemented in over 2 years despite it being a basic feature of accounting and it having a HUGE need - I also stated I understood that there may have been some features that needed to go before it and agreed it may not be as easy as some have made it out to be.

But it seems Wave couldn't handle being questioned and instead decided to censor me.

I tried to post it again but I was shown a message that it will be posted "when a moderator approves it".

So, not only did they remove it, they are now "moderating" my posts - question is, will this post get through to see the light of day, we shall see.

edited March 30, 2021 in Using Wave


  • cyphix333cyphix333 Member Posts: 39 ✭✭

    Ok, the post has now reappeared. Hmmmmmmmm.

    Not sure what happened there - I would be interested to know.

  • AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hey @cyphix333 , thanks for reaching out about this to clarify. There are certain posts which are automatically flagged based on certain criteria. These posts appear in a queue which we as moderators go through on a regular basis. If we see that these posts do not meet our flagging criteria (sometimes posts slip through the cracks) we approve them so that they can re-appear back in the Community.

    I'm sorry if your posts were flagged, we're always refining our criteria to try and improve this process.

  • cyphix333cyphix333 Member Posts: 39 ✭✭

    @AlexL said:
    Hey @cyphix333 , thanks for reaching out about this to clarify. There are certain posts which are automatically flagged based on certain criteria. These posts appear in a queue which we as moderators go through on a regular basis. If we see that these posts do not meet our flagging criteria (sometimes posts slip through the cracks) we approve them so that they can re-appear back in the Community.

    I'm sorry if your posts were flagged, we're always refining our criteria to try and improve this process.

    Thank you for the explanation @AlexL - it just seemed odd to me as one minute I could see it and then the next minute it had vanished - but thanks for clearing that up. :)

  • LucaBnLucaBn Member Posts: 2

    I've left a short and polite comment on a post where people were complaining about not having the possibility to use the mobile app any more, and upload receipts via email. The post seems to have been deleted, I cannot find it in my activity any more. No contacts available to reach out for feedback

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