Timezone settings - Australia and payment dates

Hi everyone,
Really wanting to know if there is a way to set the timezone for the account in Wave? Currently, when allocating a payment made on an invoice, it set's the time and date according to a USA timezone ( I believe) which often sets the payment as a day behind. My Profile has my location down as Australia, but this does not affect the timezone on invoicing and I can't seem to find any timezone settings.
This is really important for allocating payments in the allocated month and can throw out the whole annual account reporting which is especially important for the end of the financial year.
Thanks in advance!
Hey @Matt_Australia , when you create your account and set up your business location, your Wave account takes the timezone of wherever you're located so this is definitely a weird one.
I'd be interested in some further details around invoices that you marked as paid in Wave, when you makred them and what date it showed. Screenshots would also be really helpful in helping us look into this some more. The more details the better!
Case in point. It's 10pm here and I've set my invoice for tomorrow. I'll be busy so I'd like to set the reminder to go out tomorrow and yet Wave's date system apparently doesn't know the difference between "Tomorrow" and "Today"
*not show: "Reminder cannot be sent in the past" when hovering over the "On due date"