Estimates Page Not Loading, Blank Screen

DaxDax Member Posts: 9

Not sure why. I couldn't retrieve all my previous estimates generated. It shows blank screen


  • DaxDax Member Posts: 9

    Here's a screenshot which shows the issue

  • DaxDax Member Posts: 9

    Could anybody help? Thank you in advance!

  • AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hey @Dax , this is usually a firewall or extension issue. Can you try disabling both of these things? If that doesn't work, please try accessing Wave on a different browser (preferably Chrome or Firefox).

  • DaxDax Member Posts: 9

    Hi Alex,
    Thanks for your reply. I have tried Chrome (incognito also) same issue observed. I've just tried Firefox, it's the same also. See attached image. No plugins, no extensions.

  • DaxDax Member Posts: 9

    All of a sudden, the issue is no longer there. Please ignore this. Thanks.

    edited September 7, 2020
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