Accounts receivable balance and WAVE HELP

VanessaCaymanVanessaCayman Member Posts: 2

The accounts receivable balance in the balance sheet does not agree to the Aged receivable balance . Does anyone know how to get hold of anyone from WAVE as this has to be a sytem error . The difference is large . Thanks


  • VanessaCaymanVanessaCayman Member Posts: 2

    I woudl like someone from WAVE to contact me regarding this

  • BarsinBarsin Member, Moderator Posts: 2,041 ✭✭✭

    Hey there @VanessaCayman

    Sorry for the delay in our response, our team is currently dealing with a major backlog of support emails since tax season is upon us.

    One thing I will point out about the aged receivables report is that this only picks up on invoices. So any income that may be tied to a customer, but is not tied to an invoice won't pick up in the aged receivables report. Perhaps this might be what the issue is?

    You can filter your transactions under the transactions page > Filter > Select the accounts receivable account and this should filter out the income transactions that may have been associated with this account.

    Income can be tied to a customer under the transaction details, and that may be what the discrepancy is? Hopefully this answers your issue

  • NomadaNomada Member Posts: 2

    Hello, I have the same problem where my Accounts Receivable are not matching, they are actually negative for a reason I can understand.
    Can somebody help me, please?

    Thank you

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