Uncategorise Income in Profit and Loss Statement does not match with the detail transaction

faridahfaridah Member Posts: 38

Hi There

This is from the report , when I double click the amount is not the same

Kindly assist as we are doing the year end closing


  • BarsinBarsin Member, Moderator Posts: 2,041 ✭✭✭

    Hey again @faridah

    I think this particular issue also has to do with your dates and currency. You will need to set your dates on your account transactions (general ledger) report to be the same as your fiscal year dates which can be found under Settings > Dates and currency.

    Hope this helps! Reach out if you're still having an issue.

  • ReenaReena Member Posts: 1

    Hi There
    I have an issue of uncategorized income as well as expenses. kindly assist.

  • Rose52Rose52 Member Posts: 1

    I have an uncategorized entry in my P&L account, which should not be there at all, it is not an income.
    When trying to recategorize the item Wave's message is: "No results were found. Try choosing a different date range or account."
    So I can neither correct nor delete the item.
    The date of the item is 23 January 2019,

    How shall I proceed??

    Thanks in advance


  • faridahfaridah Member Posts: 38

    Hi Rose

    Please do not update any transaction cause i have send the document for audit , i will revert back once the audit is finalized

    thank you

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