Missing transactions & balance off

ACCYukonACCYukon Member Posts: 1


Somehow 2 large deposits from earlier this year are missing from Wave. Normally everything gets uploaded directly from the bank, and I do see those transactions on my web banking.

I added the transactions manually, but now my balance is off (for dates before & after these transactions).

What's going on - how can I fix this?


  • AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hi @ACCYukon , I can't speak to why these transactions aren't in your system as this could be for a number of reasons (the bank disconnected and didn't import, they were accidentally modified or deleted etc) but to get your balances straightened out, I'd recommend using our Reconciliation tool which can be found under the Accounting tab in Wave.

    This will help you rectify your balances but also determine if there are any other transactions missing!

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