
Can't Turn on Payments

HanaHana Member Posts: 2

I cannot turn on payments. Before, it would not stop loading, the circle would turn forever. Now I immediately get this error. I tried contacting support by submitting a ticket AS SUGGESTED and they only directed me here. I was able to set up Stripe but they are taking a crazy amount. I want to use direct bank transfer to accept payments for a 1% fee only. Otherwise, I will need to leave the platform since I cannot get any help.

I have already tried clearing all my cookies and cache, tried on a different network and computer, nothing works.

Can a Wave expert find me a solution?




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    BarsinBarsin Member, Moderator Posts: 2,041 ✭✭✭

    Hey there @Hana

    Thanks for reaching out to the Wave community! I can see that you're outside of North America and therefore your payments account will be defaulted to Stripe.

    Wave has two payment processors:

    Wave Payments

    This feature is only available to North American users.


    This feature is available to our users who are outside of North America that want to process payments on invoices. Unfortunately we are unable to bypass the amounts that Stripe is charging :disappointed:

    Hope this answers your question!

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    HanaHana Member Posts: 2

    Hi Barsin,
    Actually, I have tried this from Canada and am a Canadian customer and I have this response.

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    AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hey @Hana , it looks like you've set up the location of your business to Canada but the currency is set up as USD. For Payments we only accept Canada/CAD as we can only process in the same currency. For this reason, you're automatically pushed to Stripe as your processor as you have a mismatched currency and location.

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