
Invited user is unable to join my business

Eagle4tEagle4t Member Posts: 3

Hello there!
I am trying to invite salesperson to my business who is already added with me in another business account but he is unable to join my second business account. In invitation email click on the button for adding my business to his account but failed and getting the following error:

"We've encountered an unexpected error.
Our technical team has been alerted. We apologize for the inconvenience."
Error Code: 500

He t also tried to join my business by clicking joining button in invitation email but in vain.
Kindly guide me to resolve this issue.
Thank You!

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    ricky80ricky80 Member Posts: 1

    me too, I want to add accountant, and receive the same error. what happened? anyone know how to solve this?

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    AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hi @Eagle4t + @ricky80 , it seems that we had a bug in the system which was preventing users from sending collaboration emails with certain toggles on. This has now been fixed and you should be able to resend the invite without any issues on the end of your collaborator. Thanks for flagging this for us!

    I'll be closing out this post as this bug has been resolved.

This discussion has been closed.