Out of Balance Transaction bug

maddogprodmaddogprod Member Posts: 4

If a Transaction is out of balance and I save it, I get an error page. Then if I go back all information I entered is missing except the date and I have to enter it all again.

This is crazy.

Wouldn't it make more sense to show an error that says "Can't save. Out of balance." and let me find it and save it rather than trash it?


  • JulianPJulianP Member Posts: 1,002 ✭✭✭

    Hey @maddogprod !

    I'm sorry to hear that you are experiencing balance issues in your account. It sounds like you are trying to split a transaction. To split a transaction successfully, the split must equate to the transactions total amount. If the split is under of over the transactions total amount, it won't be recorded successfully. This is most likely why you are seeing an error message on your end. If the split is under the total amount, you should see a blue notification identify the remaining amount that needs to be categorized. If the split is over the total amount, you should see a red notification stating that your split cannot exceed the invoices total amount. Feel free to check out our Help Center article on splitting transaction in Wave here.

    With that being said, you shouldn't be redirected to an error page if the split doesn't equal the transactions total amount from what I understand. Do you mind sending me a screenshot(s) of what you are seeing on your end for reference? That would be greatly appreciated.

  • maddogprodmaddogprod Member Posts: 4

    Yup, they're split transactions. As I remember, he error page says something like "Oops! An error has occurred and we have been notified" or something like that. The next time it happens I'll take a screenshot and send it. I can probably force it since it seems to happen each time if I don't notice the "out of balance" notification. It would make more sense for an error message to appear on the page or in a pop-up.

  • AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hey @maddogprod , this should actually appear as a small error message in the transaction pop up. It has been brought up to the team and it's been added as something that needs fixing. In the meantime, as long as you don't enter in an incorrect balance you shouldn't see this page!

    Thanks for flagging this for us!

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